mandag den 14. februar 2011

Copliments & Criticisms

My grandpapa says: Share your good thoughts, keep the bad to yourself.

In the last couple months have I been trying to say only sweet things, to people that deserve it. Not just to say something, but it’s a shame if you don’t say the good things, because it makes people happy. Ect. It’s stingy not to say to a boy, that he is pretty, if that’s what you feel. There are a lot of reasons not to do it, imagine if the boy is arrogant and answers: “Yes I am pretty, and so what?” And now you will probably be thinking “What an asshole, I should never have said he was pretty”. But now I ask: why not? He’s still pretty, a pretty asshole. It doesn’t ruin my day, just because I’m nice and well-mannered.
A arrogant asshole can been talking really bad to me, but that doesn’t mean he will win, on the contrary, I was polite and gave him a present, and he spit at it – and so what? Presents should be giving away. You can’t say something polite to people to buy a polite answer. It’s up to the recipient what he will do with the words; I gave them for free and they should spread happiness. You don’t lose something with being generous. You actually get more, if you give a lot away. Just think at that happiness you feel when someone gives you flowers, says your food taste well, that you have some pretty clothes or say you have a heart of gold.
At the same time if a person says something bad to you, you feel pretty down. I always close my ears when I her people saying some shit, I never take it personal when strangers says some critic to me, and I don’t listen to people that don’t talk nice to me. People say it’s best with honesty, and then it doesn’t matter to be sweet? I don’t agree. You should be polite and sweet every time, even if you can’t find some mistakes about the other person, but we all have mistakes.
People have misunderstood the word honesty. Honesty has become a weapon, you can use: “That T-shirt is so ugly on you, I’ve to be honest” it’s not useful, about that t-shirt being ugly or pretty will always be a subjective estimate. People have different taste, and thank god for that.
Some people thinks it’s okay, if they say something sweet to you, and then have they bought the rights to say something mean to you afterwards, “Hey Helena, you’re so pretty, but those shoes  are so ugly”. You should talk nice to people and keep the bad things to yourself.

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